We did quite a lot of things on the B is for beans theme whilst the bigger kids had their halfday of school on Wednesday.
1.We stuck beans on a B. Good for fine motor skills.
We used a glue stick for this one as I know B likes to use this as it is the glue used most often by the bigger kids - not today though as you can see from the number of beans we actually managed to get onto the paper.
2.We counted the beans and stuck them on.
This was more successful as I put dots of PVA glue onto the paper and B matched the beans to the dots. Then I made the mistake of getting him to count them "Not counting" is the favourite chant we get whenever we do this. Yep I have a 2 year old who can recognise most of the lowercase alphabet but can't count to 10!
3.We made a bean sensory box. Biggest hit of the lot but we were going for a mini-meltdown by this point so no images. You know what a sensory box looks like anyway right?
4.We used two types, beans and lentils, and (tried) to sort them into big and little. B just wanted to use the bowl with them in like another sensory box activity so we went with the flow.
Some days you just have to pick your battles ;)
When we had finished R noticed this pattern on one of the beans - all totally natural, no cheating I promise!