If you could explore the bottom of the sea in a submarine what would you see out of the window?
First we took a paper plate each and cut out the centre to give us a ring this is our porthole. R and A did this themselves once I had made an initial hole in the plate. Don't worry if the ring splits a little as you cut this will be stuck back together in a minute.
Then we took some clear sticky-backed plastic (aka book film or contact paper) and cut out two circles a little bigger than the hole in the plate
Then we took some coloured tissue paper and cut out some fish.
To assemble take one of the circles of sticky-backed plastic and stick it on the back of the paper plate. Turn the plate over so that the front of your "window" is sticky. Arrange the tissue paper fish on "window". Seal in with the other circle of sticky-backed plastic.
Display on a window so that the sun can shine through!
B being only 2 did a basic one which I prepared for him but both R and A did all the cutting themselves. R decided to do her fish all kinds of sizes and added blue "waves". Make it as basic or complex as you want.
As an afterthought we decided that the pictures would look even better if they had a submarine silhouette as a "frame". We left our sub plain due to lack of time but we could have decorated it as well.
This kind of idea would also make a great bulletin board art display with pictures mounted in the windows of a sub, or boat, or car, or rocket ......Hmm I wonder what aliens you might see on Mars out of the window of your rocket....