
Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Learning resources:poor joe

I came across this post on momtessori for these learning cards.

My first thought was what a brilliant idea - the next thought was "how much!" OK $8 or so it not a lot but I thought that being "money poor and time rich" making our own would be a good idea.

And here they are:

I used this image of the basketball player with the ball painted out. (The images from this site are free to use and adapt as you want providing you acknowledge where they came from so here I am doing just that!)

B wasn't that interested at first. A asked what they were and how they were used so I sat on the floor with him and started saying "Oh No! Poor Joe! He has no.." and letting him fill in the missing word.  He thought it was hilarious and soon B just had to come over to see what was going on.  Although he didn't add any of the words (he is only 29 months old!) he was very interested in holding the cards and looking at the pictures and concentrated hard.  For the rest of the day it was "My Boy. My Joe" and they cannot be used by anyone else when he is around. (Not even by mummy for a photo - now that is a result I like)
For more learning resources head over to Tools for Tots.
Tools For Tots

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