
Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Handprint Crafts: Christmas Tree

OK I know this must go down as the earliest mention of Christmas ever.  It is not that I am super organised and starting my Christmas preparations before we are even in June - it is because we have been clearing out our cupboards in preparation for moving house.
For Christmas 2009 we did not know whether we would be in Germany or the UK.  In the end we decided that we would leave all our Christmas decorations behind in the UK on the basis that we would be there at some point during the holiday and it would save room on the removals van.  So far so good.  What we didn't count on was that R and A would feel it wasn't a proper Christmas since we weren't putting up decorations.  Add to that it was the first Christmas for about 6 years that we didn't "do" the School Nativity Play and somehow Christmas didn't seem to be really happening.
I decided that although we didn't have the time, space or money to have a "proper" Christmas tree we would make our own that could be hung on the wall.
Here it is in all its rather crushed glory.

The leaves are handprints from all three kids on different shades of green  paper.  We drew round their hands onto thin cardboard first and then used this as a template or it would have got very boring and the tree would probably never have been finished.  We decided on a star for the top just like we have at home.  A and R helped me stick the leaves to a cardboard tree made from an unwanted box.  R decided that it needed some other decorations and so found something suitable from her advent calendar box.
When it was finished we stuck it to the patio doors where it looked brilliant against the snowy garden background.
So there you have it a free Christmas tree for those who have no room for a tree.

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